Ok, I was smelling hippie patchouli when I hit the submit button, but I hate nanny government regulation.
PS - Raw milk yuck. But if you want it, I think you should have it. Please turn your head away when you puke though.
Jury nullification is interesting. I hear stories of things like this, where the little guy wins against big government, and it looks awesome! Then I here stories like a white guy being let off for killing a black man, and recently some people suggesting it be used to acquit accused rapists, and I don't know anymore.
I hear you. I think that the founders wanted a jury of ones peers to be a check against government excess. In many ways the way courts function is geared toward juries not acting in this role. In most (maybe all I don't really know) it is against the rules of court to even let people know that this is an option the jury has. Often after selection the resulting jury in way represents the person on trials peers. I don't know how to add up the costs vs. the benefits. My wife served on a jury a few years ago. The guy on trial was charged with a variety of charges which all revolved around his non cooperation with police officers. The jury agreed that the man defiantly committed a crime by resisting arrest and preventing a police officer from executing his duty ect, but they decided that he really only performed one action and multiple charges would constitute double jeopardy. They chose to find him guilty to the charge they found most applicable and found him not guilty to the other charges as those charges were essentially duplicate charges. I wonder how often this kind of jury nullification occurs and we don't hear about it.
What? Why? Have you ever had any? When I was a kid, we'd go to the market in the outskirts of the city in the morning. By the time we bought it, it was usually still warm. Quite honestly, I don't see anything wrong with raw milk as long as it's fresh and the cow lives in "proper" conditions. It strikes me as odd that something that seemingly "normal" is downright illegal here in the States.Raw milk yuck. But if you want it, I think you should have it. Please turn your head away when you puke though.
Dude, there is a reason we pasteurize milk - it has nothing to do with flavor and everything to do with food safety. Heck, I used the eggy version when I make Caesar salad or hollandaise sauce - though I rarely make either anymore b/c I'm eating healthier. Just saying that salmonisis is yucky. -XC PS - Shouldn't be illegal. If you toast off granny or baby using raw milk, well, government's job isn't to swaddle people.
Considering it's deemed safe in most of the world, including most countries in Europe (with proper inspections), I'd think that the dangers of raw milk are a bit overblown. I dare say there might even be some lobbying involved. But hey, I find the idea of eating raw fish or raw beef revolting.
Tangential, but I was surprised to find that the reason I like my organic milk so much is because they pasteurize it at a higher heat (probably due to a lack of antibiotics). That caramelizes the sugars, and makes it slightly sweeter. It's also why the shelf-life is much longer than non-organic. On topic, I agree that adults should be able to drink what they want. However, if you are selling raw milk, you should have to alert people to it, and if it's at a sufficient scale, get inspected/tested.