This is what has bitten the Democrats in the ass so hard in the US: Republicans say "it's the darkies!" while Democrats say "'s complicated..." and the minute you need a powerpoint to give a man a reason he can't afford to send his kids to college, you lose. "You've been living a charmed life on the massive pillaging of generations' worth of natural resources and now that the bill has come due your children will live a twilight impression of your postindustrial glory" isn't a comparable chant to "drill baby drill." Americans don't learn the austerity the British Isles suffered under after WWII - we just know the Marshall Plan. And we don't know that Saudi Arabia and Iran became de facto American protectorates at the cost of the UK, we just know that we won the goddamn war and to the victor go the spoils.It's a bit rich to expect person a who may be wondering where there next meal is going to come from to be clued up on geopolitics and the intricacies of economy and trade.