For years now I've had an idea for a product. It's a globe that is actually a spherical LCD display that shows the Earth. On the stand there's a slider for year, so you can choose to see what the Earth looked like at any point in human history. Buttons control what you want to see: National borders, cities, terrain, population density, etc. There's also a toggle for which planet you want to see, with every known planet and moon in the solar system available. Optionally the globe can be connected to the Internet for automatic updates to keep all the information up to date. I have no idea if the product would even be possible to make. If anyone want to try, you can have the idea for free.
I've seen a subset of what you're describing in one museum (possibly in Berlin, I'd have to look through my notes/diaries to be sure). In all honesty, while impressive at first, it was a bit difficult to make out what's happening. If you came up too close, you'd see things outside of the direct line of sight appear very blurry. I'd go so far as to say it was somewhat disorientating to look at it while animation was running. Uneven lighting and my own colour blindness seemed to exacerbate those problems.
Almost the same as now, only people were less good and bad