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aeontech · 4511 days ago · link · · parent · post: Who’s the Boss? The Worst Post-Citizen’s United Ruling Yet
How is a company forcing its workers to campaign/act in favor of a certain candidate essentially different from straight-up vote-buying by the powerful? Ridiculous and terrifying.
Let's think about this in numbers. In 08 roughly 112,000,000 people voted. Some estimates say that the total cost of the current election will be $6 billion, or more than $50/vote assuming similar turnout. I think many people would cast a vote for $20-25. We're losing effiency!
This whole thing is no different than straight-up vote buying. In fact, I think at this point that cash payment-style vote buying might actually be more honest than the current system. Talk about judicial activism, legislating from the bench; this takes that to new and unforeseen heights.