Seriously, he's an upper middle class American who listened to a political consultant to "Hispanic up" his image. What's not to amuse about that? The only other high profile politician I can imagine having to do something like that would be if Bobby Jindal had to go out and learn Creole to solidify that voting bloc in LA. (He's already got Obama levels of support in there, so the analogy doesn't really hold.) -XC PS - Ok, wait, maybe if Bidenopolos learned Greek....
I guess there is some hilarity that I don't get. I know people with Latino heritage that grew up only speaking English and learned Spanish later in life. One guy is a Human Resources director, part of the reason he learned it was to beef up his resume. Is that also funny? I'll tell Paul he is a real upper middle class crackup.
If he learned it to appear more Hispanic, which is what the politician is trading on, then, yeah, that'd be quietly amusing. If he was a politician then I'd be openly amused. If he learned it to do his job better then I'd be envious, having no ear for languages. -XC