We could ban food exports to china and that would cause a crisis real quick, its just as hard to bring up an agricultural industry as a mining one, maybe even harder since you need clean land expertise and time.
that would cause a crisis real quick
It is not just soybean (pdf warning) They're 17% of our total Agriculture Exports right now. ... and then move to gobble up all the small operations that were just barely making it anyways. There are a lot more smallish operations than you might expect at first glance: the hubhub around contract farming is an interesting rabbit hole to google. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/09/16/the-decline-of-the-small-american-family-farm-in-one-chart/?utm_term=.a93c290ad58b in the short term some big framing conglomerates would collect some government crop insurance subsidies
mean farm size[in 2011] is 234 acres