Driving through San Francisco at rush hour. Needed to change lanes. Guy in a VW very aggressively wouldn't let me do it. Fun fact about driving a 911: an astonishing percentage of the traffic you interact with hates you on sight. I thought it was just me. So okay, get behind him, things are fine. Proceed to watch him cut off two people in a hundred yards changing lanes. he still ends up behind us. Proceed to watch him cut off two more people in another 200 yards. Pulls up next to me, tries to cut in. Can't. We make it to a light. He and his buddy are staring at me, very proud of themselves in their volkswagen. "Excuse me," I say. "Does your mom know what a bad driver you are?" Fucker blanches like an almond in boiling water. "Uh, what?" "Does your mom. Know what a bad driver you are." "Uhh.., what do you mean?" "I'll let her know next time I see her." Proceed to leave the light at exactly the speed limit. Watch him nearly rear-end a garbage truck. THAT is 25: vulnerability to "your mom" insults.When we fell some people on the balcony of the bar across the street made fun of us, so I flicked them off and told them to eat it. They didn't say anything back. D: