Mother Russia raises you this, which may very well be a worse game, considering that it doesn't let you play most of the time. Your derision of the game isn't because of its highly lewd nature but because of its extremely prejudiced content and terrible design, correct?
I saw that, actually. I think it certainly gives FATAL a run for its money in terms of being a worse game from a fun standpoint, but obviously doesn't have anywhere close to FATAL's creepiness. Pretty much. I don't begrudge people erotic games per se, or even varying degrees of non-consensual fantasy. The problem with FATAL is both that it's too clunky for a decent gameplay experience and it shows a highly bigoted view of the world.Mother Russia raises you this...
Your derision of the game isn't because of its highly lewd nature but because of its extremely prejudiced content and terrible design, correct?
Sure, and that's the level of detail (well, except for the measurements of various parts of people) that could do well. Although from what that one review said, the differences are probably too slight to make much actual difference, so there'd need to be a pretty major rule re-write.