Oh I certainly wouldn't use it for its intended purpose! I prefer to chew my food and besides, if I want an Odwalla there's a grocery store a quarter mile away. But the level of precision machined aluminum - Okay. Someone more clever than myself once pointed out that there's a terrible urgency to guns - their mechanical nature and high-durability precision demands that their triggers be pulled. It's technological fetishism to be sure but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Buddy of mine has a lot of Bosch rail at work. They go through so much of it that they often sell it as scrap. per pound. And there's something about Bosch rail that almost forces you to figure out how to make a coffee table out of it. It will be pure womanbane and you won't care because you have a bosch rail coffee table. My father owns a Norden bombsight. It's currently in my old bedroom at home. And someday, it will be mine. that does not mean I wish to drop bombs.