Fourth gen proprietary language, mostly, here. Sad. Can you guess which one? Wrote a bitchin' 4chan [edit: that fuckup deserves to stay and haunt me forever] simulation last year right about now, implicit none'd it! Used Fortran 95, but I've debugged some 77 code before, NEVER AGAIN. Yeah, I just gotta get in, get out, and get on with my life right now. There's no time to optimize workflow, this is grad school, the aim is that the exact opposite thing happens. And April? April is Fuck am_Unition Especially Hard Month, and it ain't the good fuckin' type of fucking. I'm halfway on Hubski to vent; I know this consciously. Sorry, Hubski/bfv. Thanks for listening to me bitching, my girlfriend appreciates it tomorrow. I dunno what my cybers will look like in a few years. I'm on a 2012 Macbook Pro. I just updated iOS for the first time in two years last week, as the boot process had grown longer than two hours. Writing code has been very rewarding for me. I enjoy it, naturally.
Mostly IDL, who cares, the syntax differences are minor squabbles. Both are child's play, for people working in C or what have you. Which is appropriate, as I am a child. What do you write in, I've gleaned you're netsec? Black-hat, for sure, colluding around these parts...