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comment by wasoxygen
wasoxygen  ·  2619 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Rebuilding the entire tax code, top to bottom

    I turn to policy experts I can trust

Who are they, and how do you know you can trust them?

It sounds a bit conspiratorial, but I've often heard that the tax-prep lobby spends heavily to make sure that tax returns remain as complicated as possible. Quick fact-check:

    Intuit has spent $11.5 million lobbying the federal government — more than Apple or Amazon.

Promising to reform the process, then blaming the other side for impeding reform, is an easy way for one gang to score votes year after year.

I recently saw an overview that purports to explain some aspects of taxation, pointing out which are widely agreed upon, with a followup about deadweight loss.

I assume that any special provisions are in the tax code for a reason, and that reason might be that a good-hearted legislator was able to implement fair and wise policy, or else that some special interest pulled some strings.

blackbootz  ·  2618 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My statement presupposes that I actually have a bevy of experts to rely upon. Not nearly the case. When it comes to sensible tax policy, I've been neglecting it in favor of fiscal policies that further broad social goals, like rigorous public education and universal healthcare. Sensible tax policy is almost like the other side of the coin. You can't have one without the other.

That said, I've been interested in taxes for a bit. I bet studying it would kill the curiosity I have for it, though.