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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2971 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Trump Fires Acting Attorney General

So check it.

Let's pretend the president is John McCain. There's blood in the water over some damn mass shooting or other and the money (because McCain loves the money) wants a muslim ban. The process goes something like this:

- Conservative think tank does push-polling on a muslim ban

- talking heads hit the sunday shows to talk about the necessity of a muslim ban

- left-wing outrage is parried as unpatriotic and harmful to the country and Good Strong Men say Brave Things to journalists

- President McCain addresses the nation about the need to "secure our borders"

- Democrats say impassioned, eloquent things about Muslims

- Muslims say impassioned, eloquent things about the freedom of religion and how great the United States is

- Congress argues about a resolution for weeks and/or months

- The ACLU, the NAACP, the ADL and everyone else goes on a media blitz to try and prevent this dark stain from besmirching the cloth of our great nation

- Congress votes along party lines and the resolution narrowly passes

- Liberal groups demand everyone call President McCain

- McCain signs it anyway

- Liberal groups immediately launch six challenges in court

- the ban maybe goes into effect 18 months later, maybe doesn't, depending on what squirrels there are to chase

Count how many groups there are. Count how many decision-makers have been enrolled. Count how much of the process happened where the people that can stop it either failed to fair and square or were convinced to go along to get along. Measure the sheer inertia of the process there. Then measure its momentum. That's a tough thing to get started. That's a tough thing to get stopped.

Compare and contrast:

"surprise! Muslim ban!"

Except I deliberately gave you the wrong link because that link goes for like eighteen months and ends in August 2016. no, no. The real timeline says shit like "approximately 10:18 PM" on it.

    Hamed Hosseini-Bay, an Iranian researcher at Tufts, reunites with family after a more than two hour delay at Boston Logan.

Again, celebrating, not denegrating: Here's a heartwarming picture of an Iranian college professor who was detained for two fucking hours by DHS.

What's going on is that either the Trump administration didn't think the free world would lose their shit over the entire legislative process being bypassed or didn't care. Either way, it demonstrates that they are not good at this.