Oh, I know. It was a joke. Both my parents are alcoholics; I understand the dynamics.
Bourbon definitely takes the edge off. That's all I'm sayin'.
Yes I know it was a joke, and I understand you, I was just putting forth my case.
See it's all about cultural context. You are probably from cool temperate place where it becomes necessity, I live in a tropical area where it is just luxury.
Moreover I belong to pretty conservative family, So, here I am!
Now I have formed some opinion about it, that I will not go for it, even if given independence to choose.
So we are shaped by geography, culture, and personal choice( yes i am influenced by some great thinkers who are against drinks. e.g. Nietzsche,Gandhi)
So, at the end it's a matter of personal choice!
In any case, Enjoy life! :)