Hmmmm... Part two I really come off as an insufferable prick there. As if I haven't engaged in risky behaviors (mostly unprotected sex and drug use). It's absolutely fine to engage in risky behaviors and I sincerely hope most gun owners enjoy their guns. I'm an old married guy now and unprotected sex isn't' really a big issue. It's going to be no issue at all after Tuesday when I'm going to get my business snipped but I still occasionally do some heavy drugs. I enjoy them, rarely, but I also acknowledged that their use entails some degree of risk. Many gun owners say they want guns for protection but in now way acknowledge that owning guns also carries a degree of danger. I'm not against people owning guns or engaging in behavior that increases their risk, I just loath the Rambo bullshit that pretends owning a gun is safer than not owning one. Only seeing one side of the story, or engaging one sided cost benefit analysis is a fucking disease in America. For every crime that is prevented with a gun they are several avoidable tragedies. To maintain otherwise is to be full of shit.