I'm not good at analyzing things, but part of me thinks the backlash is against materialism. People on TV always have fancy houses, fancy aparments, fancy cars, fancy clothes, fancy lives, etc. They're everywhere, from commercials to TV shows. It brings a sense of resentment in me and I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that. That said, there's probably some truth to your coorelation and Nixon becoming president and my coorelation and Trump becoming president. This is a bit of a difficult discussion to have, because when it comes to comparing shows there's two ways about it. Either we compare the shows as fruit in general, so then one can arguably be better than the other, though preferences for apples over oranges or vise versa might color that opinion. Or we can compare the apple to other apple and the oranges to other oranges. I'm personally inclined to say "Woah. I'm a berries kind of guy and I haven't had either that particular apple nor that particular orange but I've heard good things about both from people who's opinions I value."There's been a lot of scolding in the past few weeks about how us "liberal media elites" have gotten our comeuppance because what the country wants is good old fashioned down home values, none of our cosmopolitan LGBTQ cerebral expositions on liberty and the like. And while I can't draw a direct line between TV getting stupider and Nixon taking the White House, I can sure as fuck draw a correlation.
You're talking to someone who makes reality TV for a living. I can say with no quaver in my voice that I am actively contributing to making the country a worse place. And we all do it, because those are the jobs available, because we give the people what they want, and what they want is SHIT. I will not celebrate shit.