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comment by johnnyFive
johnnyFive  ·  2736 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

She voted in favor of the PATRIOT Act, not once, but twice.

She voted in favor of the invasion of Iraq.

She had the opportunity to oppose the extrajudicial killings of civilians abroad (i.e. the drone program), but did so only rarely, and even then it wasn't to the program as a whole.

She continues to oppose the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall.

She supported legislation to make the sale of "violent" video games to minors a crime, saying that "if you put it just really simply, these violent video games are stealing the innocence of our children." (A similar California law was ruled unconstitutional in 2011).

She was against same-sex marriage until it became politically expedient to favor it.

She wants a "Manhattan-like project" to allow the government to break any and all encryption

In a (secret) speech to Goldman Sachs that was released by WikiLeaks:

    In an October 2013 speech to the financial firm, Clinton implied that action was necessary to curb Wall Street street abuses "for political reasons."

    "There was also a need to do something because for political reasons, if you were an elected member of Congress and people in your constituency were losing jobs and shutting businesses and everybody in the press is saying it's all the fault of Wall Street, you can't sit idly by and do nothing," Clinton said.

But no, she's totally going to do things Wall Street doesn't like after taking millions of dollars in speaking fees from them and refusing to release the transcripts. That's why she voted in favor of an anti-consumer bankruptcy law as a senator that she had opposed as First Lady a year or two before.

She has avoided addressing the death penalty recently, but seems to support it.

She supported expansion of off-shore drilling while in the Senate, and refused to answer questions about the Keystone XL pipeline.

user-inactivated  ·  2736 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thank you. That's all I wanted.

Now. Since we got her past out of the way and why she's untrustworthy for that, what about her current campaign proposals are a problem?

Keep in mind, I'm still upset with Obama for not going after banks and not curtailing government surveillance like he promised. I don't trust Clinton 100%, but I'm tired of old talking points. If people are going to criticize her, I want to see criticism with substance.

johnnyFive  ·  2735 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I mean, she hasn't changed any of these positions, or in the case of specific choices, she generally hasn't acknowledged that she was wrong (except for Iraq, which is the political thing to do).

I have no reason to think she won't continue extralegal murder of civilians, or that she'll pursue any meaningful economic reform. She's not a leader, she finds what's popular and then adopts that. I want a president who is smarter and more thoughtful than I am, and I don't believe that she fits that.