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comment by tacocat
tacocat  ·  2792 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What's something you've been trying to do more of recently?

Feeling that I'm not good enough to do what I have in mind to be tactful. I'm also not trained as a painter. I want to do a series of everyday scenes in monochrome. Can I use the same color effectively to convey value? Will the detailing look like shit? Will I get it done and know it's unsuccessful anyway? Just a laundry list of anxieties that exist in my head without form but I typed a couple out for you.

mk  ·  2792 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Don’t mind the output, the process is the opportunity here. Be ok with the possibility that it will look like shit, or worse, just a bit shitty. You probably have something in your mind’s eye, but I would try not to think of it as a destination, just as a suggestion. I am not a trained painter. I consider myself good, but not yet great. My advice would be to paint the light. Resist objects and form, just paint the light.