Man... You should start a series: #storiesfromgoobster. I'd follow that in an instant. What you describe sounds like a fantastic experience, as well. I wanted to fly for as long as I remember myself, and I figured that the reason we enjoy sliding down a big hill on our butts is that it simulates (or provide some of the feelings as) the experience of flight. Any way you can hook me up with a glider if we are to meet someday?
Sadly, no. Haven't gotten to fly in 20 years. The "airport" we used to fly out of got turned into condominiums, and I don't know anywhere within 100 miles where you could fly sailplanes any more. And my Uncle - the actual, licensed pilot - lives on the East Coast... so I think my sailplane days are probably over. Any way you can hook me up with a glider if we are to meet someday?