As is tradition, I am watching Oslo, August 31 today and feeling sad for fictional folks. Meanwhile, in real life: Love Life (shrugs into oblivion) which I mean I had to talk a girl that I had been seeing for a few months off of a bridge yesterday morning. And then we broke up. So there's that. Unrelated: I am now back together with the ex who I have been moping about for the past few months, and I am extremely happy about that. We have had several long talks about re-establishing boundaries/ground rules etc., and things feel very good. Music Another successful Hubski music collaboration with TNG! Very happy with how this one turned out. (Fun fact: mostly recorded on the train ride back from seeing the bridge-girl mentioned above!) Re: my music - I have an album cover! Some small changes will likely happen to it before release, but there it is. Recording starts tomorrow. 11 songs, 1 month to record. Lets fucking do it. Moving Also in one month: Chicago. Working as a waiter/taquito delivery man. Have a few shows in the works already, which is nice. All in all, very excited for the change.