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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  2974 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Stray and a Mother

To kind of bounce off of and add to bhrgunatha, things like homelessness and poverty are pretty big and hard to handle as a society, let alone for individuals. Giving to charitable organizations and outreach programs is one of the best ways to help. They often have the resources and the know how to make a single dollar stretch to seem like it's five dollars. They have people who are knowledgeable about the issues they're trying tackle and have the experience to help others best figure out how to help themselves. Just as important, organizations are much better equipped to help both their employees as well as the people who need help deal with the emotional burden of what ever it is they're trying to tackle. They're not all perfect and some are more effective than others, but they're a huge help.

I think one of the best things you can do is to know some of these places. If you see someone you know who needs help, or someone you don't know who needs help, you can point them in the direction of people who are there for them.

I think you as an individual would do exceptionally well at something like that. You're confident enough to not let issues scare you. You're charismatic and great with words. You seem to know how to network really well and you have a good eye for figuring what's legit and what's not worthwhile. I half bet with a little research, you could find all sorts of people in LA and Seattle that do a world of good.

Most importantly, and I'm sure you know this, being a good dad will help more than you ever think. If you and your wife are able to pass on your values and your strengths to your daughter, she's gonna grow up to be awesome. That's what this world needs. Awesome people.