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comment by nowaypablo
nowaypablo  ·  2806 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 24, 2016

Found some pictures on FB of our patrol bases during field exercises this summer.

Brings back some very, very, very not fun memories. And a few fun ones. The hooches (poncho roof things) are way too high here-- they're technically not supposed to be tied higher than knee height, so that you can only slip underneath it laying down. But considering how horrible some of those nights became in constant freezing rain, this camp's leadership might've 'laxed on em a little bit.

West Point isn't so bad. I'm blessed with great roomates, 3 of 'em, and we do a good job keeping up each other's morale and covering down on the group.

Amazon prime with that student discount. All I can say about that.

Family friend sent me these 4 books. I'm so fucking excited because this person is very well read and about 70 years old I believe, that they hand-picked books for me to read is the coolest shit of all time. I'm very grateful. All I have to do is find time to start one of these.

If you're in college and you're reading this: turn up for me, please.