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comment by johnnyFive
johnnyFive  ·  3077 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are those movies you never get sick of?

For me:

Se7en The atmosphere, the story, the performance, and hoo boy, the ending.

Apocalypse Now Maybe it's because I don't watch it quite as often as some others, but this one somehow manages to maintain its emotional resonance better than just about any other. You feel the jungle better than in any other Vietnam movie, and damn but Brando can do crazy like no one else.

Heat Definitely the best crime/cop movie I've ever seen. The diner scene, where you've got pre-decline DeNIro and Pacino looking across a table at each other. The shootout in the streets. Everything, really.

Pi Math + mysticism, with a soundtrack by Clint Mansell.

The Crow As a goth in my 30s, this one will always have a special place in my heart. We watch it every October 30.

Chronicles of Riddick This is my wife's and my traditional Valentine's Day movie.

Oldboy (The original, not the remake). Probably one of if not my favorite movie of all time.

The Blues Brothers Used to watch this as a kid, liked it for the car chases. Now, I like it for the music. Definitely my favorite musical!