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comment by mk
mk  ·  4334 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Word on the street - a Hubski blitz - a call to arms
By a large margin, most people are lurkers. They never post or comment. Most Hubskiers that do post also comment, however.

I agree that comments are often what interest me most. I like to hear other people's perspectives on things. But most people don't comment unless they really feel they have something to say, which is understandable. But for that reason, comments often beget comments, even more so than posts do.

johnsmallvest  ·  4334 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  x 2
We prefer the term "quiet observers" to "lurkers".
mk  ·  4334 days ago  ·  link  ·  
See!? Joined: 131 days ago, comments: 1.

Why do I feel like I just caught a big fish?!

Badged and released. :)

thenewgreen  ·  4334 days ago  ·  link  ·  
    But for that reason, comments often beget comments, even more so than posts do.
I think this is why #askhubski type posts are so popular. The post itself is essentially a comment and is asking for interaction. I really enjoy those interactions.

But it's also nice to know that by posting something, I am providing a service to someone that might enjoy reading it... even if they don't comment. I like looking at the "shared by" in a post and seeing unfamiliar names. That's really cool imo.

Prior to joining Hubski I didn't know anything about particle physics and now after reading posts here about that topic I find myself excited for the upcoming Cern announcement. Such is the power of consuming content provided by strangers. Pretty cool stuff.