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comment by thundara
thundara  ·  3135 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Brain imaging at multiple size scales

Good question, the key distinction is deciding what you want to see. Denaturing a protein does two things: it (usually irreversibly) destroys the activity of a protein, and it turns the protein from a structured mess of squiggles into an unstructured mess of squiggles:

But fortunately, those squiggles are so small, that you can't distinguish the two by eye anyways. A normal brain slice looks something like this:

Those dark areas? They're dark because they are denser in fat. Zoom in as much as you want, and you're still mainly seeing the fat scattering light. This method (well, the one its derived from)? It clears that fat, leaving you with something much more transparent:

Want to see neurons? You'll have to selectively brighten them somehow. Here's a slice with neurons expressing a fluorescent protein. Put them under the right laser light, and they'll show up brighter than the rest of the tissue:

Brainbow? Just a combination of added fluorescent proteins:

In both of those two examples, denaturing the proteins will destroy their fluorescence and make it again impossible to see anything.

The workaround is to add fluorescence by another method: tag a dye to an antibody that binds a small section of your (denatured, separated) protein. This is pretty common as it's a million times easier to find a good antibody as it is to genetically modify an organism. Inject a rabbit / mouse / rat / goat with a section of your protein, extract some of its blood, and filter that for antibodies and you'll usually have something workable. Plus there's already large catalogs of these antibodies already for the major proteins of interest (neuron, synapse, axon markers, etc) and 80% of them still worked after applying this method to their samples.

So now you have a 4-5-fold increase in resolution when you go to image the samples, and there's no pesky physical limit to using some other gel that expands to even larger after adding water.

Devac  ·  3135 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thank you for concise explanation :). I guess that I must have overestimated the macroscopic change following denaturation.

Hypothetical question: to my understanding MRI machines are calibrated to resonate with water molecules (hence the reason behind these darker areas on the picture you showed would be "because they contain more fat molecules than water, there would be lesser presence of water and less signal would be registered back"). Assuming that we could rehydrate the sample to its former state (or perhaps do so selectively to some type of interesting structures, but I don't think it's a viable method) and also assuming that water concentration in the gel itself would be isotropic, is there anything useful that we could learn resulting from using MRI on the enlarged sample?

thundara  ·  3135 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Thank you for concise explanation :). I guess that I must have overestimated the macroscopic change following denaturation.

Np, this all falls under the category of connectomics / next-gen proteomics, so I'm always happy to discuss it.

    is there anything useful that we could learn resulting from using MRI on the enlarged sample?

I doubt it, MRI's advantage is as a non-invasive imaging tool. You can look at changes in blood flow, inflammation, structural damage, etc, without having to open up the organism or stick any probes (other than maybe contrast agents in the blood) inside. Taking out an organism's brain just to stick it back in an MRI, instead of using a finer microscope, renders those advantages invalid.

At best, you could create a full 3D image of a tissue without having to cut it into slices (even expanded, the tissue tends to scatter light after a few cm). But iirc, even the strongest MRI magnets have a resolution limit around a millimeter in scale, compared to light microscopes, which can get micrometer resolution without much difficulty.

For connectomics, you want a method that can image down to the synapse (Resolution ~= 100s of nm), but also do so at a wide enough scale so as to capture information on the whole brain / brain region (1 cm - 10 cm). But that's still not a solved problem outside of brute-forcing it with millions of knife slices and decades of microscope time.