Been apartment-hunting for two days two days ago. Got exhausted and stressed out like never before, to the point of overload. Met a girl, Alyona, during the hunt. She was a host at the hostel I was staying in. I'm not sure I can say all the right things about her, but I have to let it out because in a week's time it will blur, so I'm going to say this: She was a philologist (lingustics + literature), so I had a chance to talk to her about humanities, which she was passionate about. That was good. She treated me well right from the start, which I don't get very often. She also had an impact on my life despite being in it for less than twenty four hours. She accomplished it by revealing to me something I never considered: that I might be tired and stressed - both notions I apparently have been trying to escape. When I couldn't figure out why I had no appetite and no desire to sleep despite running around all day, she noticed that I'm "on alert", which finally got me thinking about needing - not having to have occasionally - some rest. Overall, she was good to me, and I appreciated that. Also noticing that my music library for four years ago compared to today's is much more grim and down-tone, and at times outright depressing. Out for now. Back when I have things worthy writing about.
These are my go-to's when I REALLY need to get to sleep. I can go through then without guided meditations, relaxing my body to the point I forget I have muscles. Great stuff, so damn simple too. In the end, even if I don't fall asleep my body itself is well rested.
Rest is important. I love the feeling of being busy! It's great to feel like you're accomplishing things, that you're having a positive effect on others, etc. But as much as I love that, if I don't manage it by balancing it out with rest, I end up going crazy--either really depressed and unmotivated, or unable to sleep or think straight.