I can see how my terse comment looked like a flame. My only real interest in poststructural gender theories is that they're very important to a lot of people, and there's a frustrating lack of Cliff's Notes "how do I be polite to you?" guides out there. That said, "queer" in more ambiguous than you think it is. I've seen you around enough that I never doubted your good will in picking that title, we just live in a time when those of us who aren't that interested in the subtleties of gender need to pay at least a little attention to those who are.
Gotcha. Yeah, we are on the same page. And, just to establish my sensitivity cred, I have four close friends who have transitioned to another sex, I was the officiant at a same-sex wedding, and am deeply connected to the local poly/circus/burner communities where the people on the fringe find their chosen families. But yeah... I'm also an almost 50 year old white dude who is giving less and less of a shit about other peoples' feelings every day. So I need to be hockey-checked from time to time.