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comment by Complexity
Complexity  ·  3029 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why the Brexit is even shittier than you think

Oh man, if only that were the worst of it.

Currently the headline figure in the Leave campaign (Boris) apparently only campaigned to leave as he felt it would bolster his leadership bid until he realised in terror that he accidentally won. Partly by choice, and partly by being denounced by his campaign running mate Gove, he ruled himself out of the leadership campaign. Gove himself, a human glove puppet who is known by fans of children's TV over here as Pob, has spent the last few years going on the record denying he has the capacity, skill or desire to lead, and now has thrown his hat into the ring along with four others.

Of those four the only credible frontrunner voted remain, before changing her mind once she tasted a whiff of a chance of power. She's fun. A while back she campaigned to repeal the EU convention on human rights. She implemented a selection of draconian immigration laws. Whilst this naked scramble for power happens on the right wing, the left is undergoing an internal coup which is tearing their only viable party apart.

I'm starting to think that voting to leave was a much more inventive act of civil disobedience by underrepresented strata of society than veen's cited 2011 riots.