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45usp · 4595 days ago · link · · parent · post: Chief justice leads Supreme Court's support of healthcare law
I live in a GOP-controlled state, and our senators just announced that they have no intention of working on a plan to set up an insurance exchange for us. I take it we'll default to whatever the federal government works out.
That's pretty darn ironic. They don't want the Federal government controlling healthcare, so they will make the Federal government control their healthcare.
Here in Michigan we are heading towards a similar scenario. Our GOP Governor Rock Snyder (who is a reasonable guy) has been pushing to get out ahead of this and start setting up the exchange, but the GOP legislature hasn't done a thing. Now they are signaling that they want to wait until after the November election before they decide if they will do anything. To borrow a phrase from my grandfather: the Michigan legislature is as useful as tits on a bull. IMO there is a real chance that the GOP is going to lose seats over this. It's wishful thinking of the GOP that not only will Romney win, but that he will have a House and Senate willing to throw the Affordable Care Act out. There comes a point where you just need to shut up and govern.
Yeah, but the governor won't let them sit on their ass, apparently.
They remind me of the child who is uncontrollably crying and just screams "no" at whatever their parents try to console them with. All they can talk about is obstruction and repeal. Its mind blowing. If they really want to do something then they should try to think of constructive, conservatively-oriented ways to work within the framework of the law. Just the the child at the restaurant, sooner or later everyone is gong to get fed up.
I agree. People - pundits and politicians especially - have a tendency to shut out whatever doesn't fit their narratives. But you can't live like that. You definitely can't compromise with that kind of negative attitude. You have to go where the data take you, even if it challenges the foundations of your education and experience. Being unwilling to venture outside your comfort zone makes a person unfit for a position of leadership.