If you looked at just the database-market numbers, you would think NoSQL is barely a factor in the industry. As Matt Asay explains in an April 15, 2016, article on InfoWorld, the five most popular NoSQL vendors – MongoDB, DataStax (Cassandra), Basho, Couchbase, and MarkLogic – generated a combined $364 million in revenue in 2015. Add in the $323.2 million brought in collectively by Hadoop vendors Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR, and altogether, the vendors represented 3 percent of the overall paid DBMS market.
Hey, Agsbcap! Seems as though you're pretty new to hubski. You'll probably want to tag this article with something so that it gets seen by more people. For example, you could submit this with the 'technology' tag, and people would come along to discuss the merits of NoSQL databases vs traditional SQL! Thanks for joining, hope you see this :)