There are a number of bands I've heard that have blown me away. None of them are the Pixies.
The Future Sound of London are awesome and no one should deny that.
Or... would that be presumptive? To suggest that a band you don't like is maybe more awesome than the band you do?
Because it seems to me that us Rivetheads and goths over here don't pretend that our taste is the only taste.
Who are the Pixies? shrugs Shuffle play the FSOL library and you'll have music for literally one week, even when you sleep (7.3325 days by my calculation), and it's almost exactly the same quality music between tracks. (we really need a blockquote mechanism to Hubski's markup) EDIT: ANNNNND this is why you always check your math. I went to go redo the command to be more efficient, multithreaded, use less languages and less Bash mess. Turns out I also didn't divide by 24, meaning this is 7.3325 hours not days. My bad. Just put it on shuffle and loop and you won't notice the difference for those 7.3325 days you are waiting for ;) EDIT2: And also why you check your source data. I apparently don't have any of the Environments albums, because I had no idea they were still making music!$ min=0; sec=0; (find . -type f -name \*.mp3 | while read mp3; do ffmpeg -i "$mp3"; done) 2>&1 | grep Duration | sed -r "s/^.*Duration: 00:([^\.]+).*$/\1/g" | while read duration; do let min+=$(echo "$duration" | cut -d ':' -f1); let sec+=$(echo "$duration" | cut -d ':' -f2); done; perl -e "print (($min+($sec/60))/60);"
$ find . -type f -name \*.mp3 -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} bash -c 'ffmpeg -i "{}" 2>&1' | awk 'BEGIN{ min=0; sec=0; } /Duration/{ min+=substr($2,4,2); sec+=substr($2,7,2); } END {print (min+(sec/60))/60; }'