I recently re-discovered two of my favorite anime music videos from waaay back in the day. Lke 16+ years ago (fuck me). Basically people edit together clips from an anime series to serve as a music video to a song. Quality varies wildly, but as I said two my favorites have recently made an appearance: Neon Genesis Evangelion + Rammestein - Engel Pokemon + Mindless Self Indulgence - Bitches (lyrics are wildly NSFW) Beyond that, I've been listening to a lot of trip hop lately, especially Portishead. Damn but I love me some Portishead. I always like to think that you can tell how good a band truly is by how they do live. And, well, here we go. I especially like how simple everything is. No pagentry (not that there's anything wrong with pagentry (NSFW) in live music). Finally, Saltillo has been coming up on my random playlist a lot. edit to finally fix the markup