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comment by user-inactivated

This does more than just slowing your network down, it actually increases the possibility of being tracked online and is an awful idea.

Yes this will muddy the waters of the analytics data that is produced for you, but also you are showing exactly what pages you are on to all advertisers. In fact, the only thing it muddies is your "likeness" of certain things, which is easy to filter out in data science as a user that has too much data associated with it. Simply putting a threshold will prevent your data from being looked at.


Logging data, referer headers, javascript required to produce the advertisement links in the first place, IP tracking, etc, etc, etc, actually gets dramatically ramped up. As more people use ad-blockers, advertisers are actually moving to that data more and more anyway, so you are effectively giving them every real page load that you go to.

In order for an advertisement to be "clicked", you have to know the link to begin with. In order to know the link to begin with, advertisers have already for at least a decade required Javascript to be executed to generate the real link. There are also tracking IDs in those links. You are giving them Javascript execution permission to grab data about your machine and fingerprint your browser or worse.

This is an anti-privacy protection plugin, not a privacy protection plugin. It's a poorly thought out idea and will trick people who don't know any better to use it. It's almost like advertisers who are currently struggling to deal with the ever increasing percentage (I heard recently it surpassed 50% globally) of adblocking browsers being used wanted to make a plugin to help them track you better, and trick you into doing it willingly.

ooli  ·  2883 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    advertisers ... wanted to make a plugin to help them track you better

I like the way you think: Advertiser favorable to pseudo-privacy addon . That's a nice conspiracy.

I like the addon. Because we need to face it: being tracked right now is un-avoidable, unless you live in a cave.

So I think the right way to fight back is to increase the computer power needed to analyze your data. At one point we might hope, the data are so irrelevant because we multiply and fake them that the ad business become a not so beneficial business.

At least it 's easier to do than switch to TOR, no smartphone out of the house, and tinfoil hat.

StJohn  ·  2883 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yow. You're absolutely right — I hadn't thought about that. Probably why I don't work in security — I'm nowhere near devious enough to make it work.