Locks eyes with waiter 3 more months. Until then, vanilla coke, please.
Mainly sitting in wait for the MHACF event starting next week. On the side of the dating apps, I've to be amazed at the sheer amount of people I'll just "OK" without a mutual response. A joke from my brother (who's using similar sites/apps) is to 'speed date,' by doing the running man with your fingers on the screen to no avail. You know, I really thought I could have gotten at least one match over a week's time? Perhaps I just need to expand my preferences and try again...
I can't help but think that life has been exceedly dull since I've started college in terms of not having a drive or goal holding a fire to my ass. With the loads of spare time in between classes I figured reading may be a bright idea for once while in this state of apparent limbo.
My current reading list starts with books I failed to finish reading for school assignments, yet scooped up enough to pass the class. Oddly, I'm sure they are great books overall - the reason why they were assigned. Time to form my own opinion.
Current reading list:
- The Impending Crisis, America Before the Civil War By David M. Potter
- The Irony of American History By Reinhold Niebuhr
- The Medium is the Massage By Marshall McLuhan
We'll see where I get from there.
- expand my preferences and try again...
looking for someone who has read a book. (yes, the whole thing)
looking for someone with a REALLY BIG vocabulary
futureperson in an archaic heterosystem looking for same, or different
- Preferences are nonsense anyway.
That was a point of conversation last night with my brother. Be too descriptive and it allows for knit-picking, be too brief and you're just another profile with little to say for oneself. Finding a balance with indulgence and brevity is an odd concept to me. Maybe I'm looking at it a wrong way around.
Note: Love your sense of humor in those 'preferences.'
I don't know whether you have seen my #stateofthelil posts which are mostly about internet dating, but Dating Part 4 ignores preferences altogether and talks about describing your ideas on your profile.
Also thx for the compliment.
Truth be told, I started from the beginning once I saw your "Dating Part 5," seeing its relevancy to my current position. I've you in mind as I was (read am) cyclically typing and deleting preferences.
- Dating Part 4 ignores preferences altogether and talks about describing your ideas on your profile.
Sound logic to me. Looking for someone with aligned ideology is at the core of reading the preferences, one would think... I'll pop this method into the slower dating apps in the coming week. The 'fast' ones like Tinder etc. just aren't my cup of tea.
Shit, just the phrase "my cup of tea" feels like a disqualification.