This is an abandoned county poor house on a beef farm in the UP of Michigan. That explains the graffiti: EaT light WiTh Beef
I feel that I made progress with this one. I made an effort to put the building in focus, while leaving the background and foreground less so. Like everything creative, 'getting in the zone' is critical and I felt like I could do it a bit more quickly with this painting.
Here's the process:
My next painting isn't going to feature a rundown building.
Nice. Cool to see the progression from planning to finished work. I might share this with my middle schoolers to show them the planning involved. So many of them are set in the belief that really worthwhile things are not planned and revised over and over, and instead just happen as a result of a "smart person's talent".
Gorgeous painting! I have a hard time drawing scenery, and this helps alot. Thank you for sharing.
this is awesome! i was always so jealous of people who could paint scenery. I love working with oils but later got bored and picked up acrylics. this is really awesome work and I'm glad to see that you're going to keep painting, I love the detail on the trees it looks like a picture