Spoons! I'm interested in starting fiddle when I finish school in approximately a month. Any tips?
Sure!! tip number one: the first little while is going to suck, as Ira Glass talks about here: In my opinion the first year of learning a string instrument is the hardest year of playing a string instrument. Nothing is automatic, everything feels awkward, things feel unachievable. Then one day your bow hold doesn't suck, or your intonation is better. things just quietly improve. tip number two: Practice in front of a mirror. It's the best way to see what you're doing right and wrong. This sounds a little "wax on, wax off," but try to think of it as looking at someone else and correcting the behaviour of the person in the mirror. It becomes much less personal like that, and much less self critical. tip three: get a decent teacher. it's money in the bank. tip four: as I said to steve, CONSISTENCY OF PRACTICE TRUMPS LENGTH OF PRACTICE EVERY TIME. Practice a little bit every day, even if it's just to feel the violin and bow in your hands, and play a scale. five minutes. one thing that helps this is leaving your violin in an accessible place, even leaving it out of the case, so there is no barrier to picking it up to noodle around. Noodle around in commercial breaks, while the microwave is running, while your conversation partner is in the bathroom, in stolen moments where you would just be waiting for things to happen. enjoy, I love playing music, and I love playing string instruments.
I played pretty much all of the members of the clarinet family for a few years but that was a while ago now. I feel like string instruments are easier to bring around and jam with. I'll keep you posted on my adventure!