Your comment got me thinking... a lot. I'm going to need a bit of time to verbalize all that I experience on the matter, and if you're still curious, I'm going to expand upon it in another reply later.
I'm glad that you're thinking about things. A word of caution: try not to globalize the questions too much. Why am I doing this? will quickly turn into What am I doing with my life? which can quickly turn into Why am I even here? Those are unanswerable questions. Spending too much time on unanswerable questions just makes one's head hurt. If you can, try to break down the question into smaller tasks or areas. Some thoughts on doing things you don't want to do. These tips are from Martha Beck (a lifecoach who has written a lot of books). Make a list of specific things you don't like doing. Then better it, barter it or bag it (the three B's). Barter means to trade the task with a friend. Can you have someone cook for you if you do their cleaning (or some task you like better)? Better it means to look at it differently and see if you can change the nature of the task. Can you make cooking more fun for yourself by learning easier techniques or changing the things you cook or the way you're cooking it? Bag it simply means to let it go. If you decide to bag cooking and just get ready made meals, can you find the money for it somewhere else in your budget? You might enjoy this youtube video by Noah Elkrief on depression and how to deal with the things when you don't enjoy anything. You might also like his video on procrastination. He has a different take on those topics that I haven't heard before.