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comment by ecib
ecib  ·  2982 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Have the Republicans Done to Kansas?

It's pretty amazing in both the scope of the devastation the Republican philosophy of governance caused, as well as the fact that it was they who framed the entire thing as a model for everybody to watch and judge as it unfolded.

And finally it is sad that this model that they asked the country to pay attention to and judge has been completely ignored by the media in a presidential election cycle no less. Nuts and bolts economic policy that probably affects more average Americans than any other issue being debated. Like it never happened. Somehow all we're talking about is a Mexican wall.

No wonder people are fucking pissed.

kleinbl00  ·  2982 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I once heard a pundit refer to the Bush administration as a bust-out. If you look at it, Democratic administrations tend to be the ones that invest in infrastructure and public works, while the Republican administrations are the ones that give all the money away.

The cycle makes it work. People get pissed at all the money the Democrats take away and vote Republicans into office. Then people get pissed at all the services the Republicans take away and vote Democrats into office. The problem is Bush cooked off so much money that the Obama administration didn't have any chance to make it back, and now a lot of people are eager to return to the cookoff.