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oyster · 3238 days ago · link · · parent · post: I don't have a cellphone. You probably don't need one, either.
Wait, car troubles are a rare problem for most people ? I really need to upgrade. I find just having a basic plan with enough data as a just in case works best for me. Many people can have a phone and have a life as well it just takes some discipline. I've noticed a lot of people seem adverse to owning a phone because they think it means they have to be available all the time. Well apparently I'm a dick because I couldn't care less about always answering my phone. I think they add a lot of convenience to life but as with most things people need to be aware the affect it has on their life. Like with social media, for some people it's great but others should not be on it. Alcohol, gambling, shopping, eating, video games, anything really.