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comment by goo
goo  ·  2968 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 16, 2016

Last Saturday, I hiked up a mountain to the summit. Holy. Shit. How have I not done this sooner? And how is it legal to let us kids monkey our way up a hella dangerous landscape?! I think I've been high on mountain air for this entire week! I considered not applying for internships this summer (still a possibility I won't get one) and just being a hippie in the Rockies. Probably not amazing for my future but so tempting - I do want to take a summer off eventually to trek around a little.

I really struggle to go to the gym now. I just don't feel that same sense of satisfaction. Plus, I like to have people with me when I'm on a journey. You just share in the struggle. Lifting a heavy bar just doesn't do that for me. You don't see the same sights. Any gym goers who can give me some insight?

Speaking of, I should really be doing yoga right now...

steve  ·  2967 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    just being a hippie in the Rockies.

I've got a surf-able couch at the doorway to the rockies... just sayin'

goo  ·  2967 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Myself as well! I know quite a few people who just live out of their car and bum around, doing odd jobs/working at the resorts. If there's ever a Hubski tour of the mountains... count me in!

steve  ·  2967 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I meant you're welcome to come surf on my couch if you're passing through.