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comment by oyster
oyster  ·  2970 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 16, 2016

I hope you patted yourself on the back for being able to have that attitude. I generally feel sad for people as opposed to angry at them but I'm not sure I would be able to in that situation. That attitude only came about when I was working with some incredibly lazy unreliable staff. At first I hated them but as I heard more stories about where they were from I started just feeling sad. It made me grateful for the people in my life and the upbringing I had. I have no idea how I would have turned out if I was raised in a ghetto where everybody and there mother had drug problems. Where the children of those mothers beat a drunk man nearly to death for kicks. Seriously I had no idea how to react when a visibly shaken woman was telling me this story. We all get one life and I'm so incredibly grateful that mine will be fulfilling thanks to the people who helped create me.

Being able to have that attitude while you are the one in pain though is something special you should definitely toast yourself for. Also, you should look into whether or not you have coverage for massage therapy !

ALSO another point, when I hit reply on mobile it took me to some page with a picture of a house which apparently had a mailbox ... not sure what that was about or if that's something on my end as opposed to the sites so did that happen to anybody else ?