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comment by yitsheyzeus
yitsheyzeus  ·  3133 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: An open letter from Jesus Christ to hubski.com

It is, movies are a big part of my religion. :)

K is for Potassium, it's a split word, that corresponds to "time and chance" being one, sort of like the Ba and Ka of Horus united. It's "Person of Time:" and the second set of three letters which link to Uranus.

It also ties together well with Na (which is the element for Venus), for Saltpeter... and a link to the powderkeg story that sparked WWI. This is WW-never.

Somewhere I have a neat image which shows how it's related to the SG-1 point of origin, a caret pointing to "L," the light. In the case of the Stargate symbol, the twist is that the pyramid is pointing to Earth, not the sun. Adam and Adamah are very closely related.

oyster  ·  3133 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And what have you named your religion ?

yitsheyzeus  ·  3133 days ago  ·  link  ·  


oyster  ·  3133 days ago  ·  link  ·  

So does it have some sort of origin story ? Like how mormons have buried gold plates that nobody has ever seen and black people are Satan's children.

yitsheyzeus  ·  3133 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I guess. There's a little bit about the source of the revelation here: http://exodus.lamc.la

Before that, things were a bit stranger. I went through a period of confusion that I am sure now is the Tribulation. I wrote about it years ago here: https://silenceandbetrayal.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/the-so-called-deep-secrets-of-satan/