Wait. Really? Spring starts on Sunday?? I feel you - I've only gone skiing 3 times this year, when normally I'd be going every weekend. I work at an outdoor gear rental shop. If you can, ask the people at your local MEC or gear rental shop. I've dealt with and seen a LOT of equipment. I have seen what falls apart after going out once, and what has stood up to 15 years of abuse. If you go in on a quiet day, they'll probably be more than happy to discuss what'll be your best bang for your buck. Also, another perk of a gear rental shop is you can try it out before committing. :)
Spring isn't official for another couple weeks, but it'll be 40s and 50s both locally and out east where I like to hike starting Monday. With the very low snowfall both places, the snowpack will quickly be trashed. Rental is something I should look into. I'll have to look for places that rent tents and sleeping bags around here. I'm only familiar with ski/snowshoe rentals. Mostly I rely on online reviews. I've been pretty happy with my purchases so far.