Hey ref - one cost I just found out about, they ding you for a credit check, which slightly impacts your score. If you're right on the edge of good to great or w/e, might not want this. Just an fyi.
I'm actually holding off on opening a Charles Schwab bank account because they require a link brokerage account which makes a hard credit pull. Mine's not bad, but if I'm going to make another hard pull I'm going to get my balances down a little more first. Pity, cuz PNC is sucking out $15/month right now, those vampires. It's good to know, though I have to be annoying and point out that whenever a company makes a hard pull on your credit score they're required to disclose this and obtain your consent for the pull prior to doing so, it's a part of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) - I've done my fair share of FCRA compliance reviews, though, so I'm biased. I know way too much about banking.
Oh I'm aware. I'm buying a damn house. FCRA is on my radar. What amazon did was dress the "store card" up as closer to a gift card than a credit card (it's absolutely closer to a limited debit card...) and bury the check in the fine print. Ah well. My cred's fine.