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comment by nowaypablo
nowaypablo  ·  2995 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How have you lost weight?

make yourself a nice playlist for your run. Put on a sweater or hoodie to get sweaty. When you can't run any more, stop, catch your breath and then bust out some push-ups and sit-ups, then get back on. It's all about rhythm!

After some time, change up your workout to keep yourself motivated. If you're doing cardio in the gym, run outdoors instead and then finish back at the gym to get some push-ups in or something. Try swimming, bicycling/spinning, hell even try yoga on an off day. Make gym time valuable by using it as an important period of time in your day to wipe your mental slate clean, and not worry about anything until you're done and ready to go about the rest of your day.

It gets easier, the hardest part is making a habit of getting up and getting out. Good luck!