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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3134 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Weird Global Appeal of Heavy Metal

It's funny how different your experience was. Primus getting cranky over moshing because Primus ain't punk. By way of comparison when I saw the Sundays in Santa Fe in 1992, Harriet was horrified that people were moshing because holy shit people this is upbeat dreampop! But... you know... us outsider nerds didn't really know how to go to a concert and not mosh. It's all we knew.

Seven years in Los Angeles cured me of seeing any and all shows (although I mixed a couple songs for Eagles of Death Metal). LA has got to be the least metal metropolis in all the world. I will say that I was one of the many people old enough to know better the last time Ministry came to town.