I really need to learn to work on cars. One of my friends' boyfriend just had an Acura Legend go tits up on him and he's gonna use it as an excuse to start fucking around with it. I'm gonna shoot her a text tomorrow, see if he wants a second pair of hands to help out.
Honestly? An Acura Legend is probably not where you want to start. It'll be all OBD II codes and proprietary wrenches and shit. Modern cars can be worked on but they respond best to a large, clean, organized work area with a serious back catalogue of esoteric tools. Put it this way - I drive a '95 dodge and other than replacing the ECM that one time[1], I don't work on it. Too much of a pain in the ass. You wanna learn to work on cars, get a Beetle. Or, barring that, '60s American iron. I'll point out that the chucklehead did get Amazon Prime to ship him a set of points...
Oh hell yeah! Great car to work on. I also have a lot of fondness for it because my uncle autocrossed one for like a decade. Won IMSA nationals twice. I also have a soft spot in my heart for the 1600 and 2000 'cuz they're a lot of fun. I didn't have a lot of cars I took care of for money in high school, but I was the mechanic-of-record for a couple 2000s. In my opinion they are the perfect blend of Italian quirkiness and British bass-ackwardness with some added funk thrown in.