Nice! Good to hear from you. I feel that on an emotional level. Colgate's WiFi is shitty enough that I'm confined to playing offline with bots, alone. Although when I get the opportunity to play a couple games online, I tend to rank up quickly-- all my offline play means much better aim.I wish my internet was fast enough to play with enough people for more advanced tactics to be viable.
They should stick to dental care(I know where you mean :P) Yeah, I assume ranked matches have you play against people with a similar skill level? If 4g comes here I will absolutely destroy a bunch of poor, unsuspecting newbs. What's your setup when against bots? CSS's 'expert' bots were a lot more of a challenge than CS:GO's, often find myself on a team with members 1:2+ ratio with 'bot team'
Yeah, the ELO system matches you w people of a similar skill level, but it's very malleable in the first 10 competitive games so after a map or two you should be playing against people who can compete with you. I mostly just DM w expert bots (and on aim maps when my connection is good enough to use workshop), trying to play competitive with them is shit.
Yeah, it's not the best. I think the AI is actually really well done(Minus the way they act like an awkward school of fish when they're following you, and their trigger-happiness flashbanged), just there's no good way to communicate with the bots which is one of the most important elements.