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comment by mk
mk  ·  4372 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Aaron Freeman Closes the Book on Ween
I don't know that I can agree that they peaked there. White Pepper has some sick stuff on it. Also, I suggest you check out Craters of the Sac if you haven't listened to it. It's them at their raunchiest, but it's brilliant stuff. Any track could have been on The Pod.

This does make me sad. I've always thoroughly enjoyed Ween concerts. Boognish knows, it is the end of an era.

cgod  ·  4372 days ago  ·  link  ·  
One of the three best shows I ever saw was Ween on the GWS tour at St. Andrews hall. I also walked out of a ween show during the mollusk tour in Boston, they were absolutely fucking terrible that night. I kind of thought you walked out of that show with me, but maybe you missed that one.
ecib  ·  4371 days ago  ·  link  ·  
That was me, and I was with you at the fucking brilliant St. Andrews show. That show in Boston I mremember was the last one of their tour. They were stoned, drunk off their ass, and truly did not give even one fuck that night. The St. Andrew show was pure energy and inspiration and sick jams.
mk  ·  4372 days ago  ·  link  ·  
The only show I saw in Boston was for their Country Greats tour. It was a great show. Remember we sneaked into a student function at Tufts to see them, but they took so long to play that we went home before they did? We stepped over Dean who was sitting on the stairway.