Or run VMs whenever you are doing anything sketchy.
Agreed, although for less technically inclined folks, moving to Linux would be easier. Seriously, drop Lubuntu on their formerly XP machine, get them over the hump of using a new OS and web browser, and they'll have far fewer problems over time. Plus less technically inclined users tend have less holding them to Windows: My mother used Lubuntu for the last 3 years of her life since the only programs she used were solitaire and a web browser, but I can't move to Linux due to a lack of games, needing Windows for school, and potential hardware compatibility issues.
You know what rustles my jimmies? When people say there aren't any good games on Linux. ;)
Agreed, it is a lot better than it used to be and when I build my desktop it is very likely that I'll be dual-booting or running Ubuntu exclusively, at least for a while.