I have two questions: 1. Where can I watch this footage? 2. How did the robot react to having the shit kicked out of it?
Can't find the footage. This particular robot has a video camera on its belly, so perhaps it filmed itself getting beat up. This don't-waste-your-time funny fact-free discussion of the man-bites-robot incident suggests that robots can and should be used as an outlet for people's rage. "Better than beating up people," the guest says. The discussion is in English but it also has English subtitles. At 4'29", the subtitles say, "OK so you're advocating rage rowboats..." I suspect the subtitles were written by rowboats, I mean robots.
I just find this whole situation hilarious. First off, a drunken man half assedly beating on a robot for god knows what reason. Second off, the poor robot either antagonizing the man as hes being beat on, or alternatively, the robot trying to comfort the man as he's beating on him at the same time.